
My Own Best Friend

Title: My Own Best Friend (instep, along a road less travelled)

Size: 16 x 20 in

Medium: watercolour, gouache on Murano paper

An auction piece, slinging together transformation through surrealism and my beloved Alice...EXTREMELY special to me this one, lots of symbolism....a contemporary surreal painting of Alice.  A looser style, impressionistic painting with a contemporary fresh feel, beautiful colours, energy and light. Both Alice and Dorothys shoes are well as the flamingos eye and watch face. 

Another very personal piece, absolutely loved painting this! Very detailed, taken 3 days to paint, very significantly personal that I absolutely LOVE!  An unusually LARGE piece, still fits a standard shop bought frame and mount from places like The Range for around £ can be found here, if available for auction along with other artworks.