0 Plumes De Fantaisie - Cheshire Cat Materials: Watercolour on Murano Size: 7x5in If it is still available, it may be here on eBay, as I no longer sell my paintings via this website. For more details about where I sell my work please see my 'Information' page, thank you. Labels abstract (1) ACEO (32) alice in wonderland (204) angel (1) animals (33) birds (18) Blitz Kids (4) boudoir (52) Club Kids (4) contemporary watercolours (212) dog portrait (11) flowers (45) gentlemen (30) landscapes (15) mandala (7) miscellaneous (40) mixed media (3) NEW (28) shoes (1) surreal (55) tattoo (20) The Safety Pin Project (3) vintage (91) wildlife (22) Wizard of Oz (14) Yupo (5) All artwork is copyright to nikki morris. Powered by Blogger.